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- Αναρτήθηκε από : amoras2
- στις : Τρίτη 20 Μαΐου 2014
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DUDE LRS JEAN DEALERS | Λαρισα (μελέτη, κατασκευή)
- Αναρτήθηκε από : amoras2
- στις : Κυριακή 12 Ιανουαρίου 2014
Τίτλος έργου: DUDE LRS JEAN DEALERS (κατάστημα ανδρικής ένδυσης)
Τόπος: Λάρισα
Μελέτη/Επίβλεψη/Κατασκευή: Μόρας Αντώνης, Καρκατσέλας Νίκος
Γραφιστικά: Χαιδαλής Κωνσταντίνος (aka brittle)
Χρόνος υλοποίησης μελέτης/κατασκευής: Σεπτέμβριος-Οκτώβριος 2013
Συνολική επιφάνεια: 160τμ
Πελάτης: Γ. Παπακωνσταντίνου
: Moras Antonios, Karkatselas Nikos
Constantinos Chaidalis (aka brittle)
LOCATION: Larissa, Greece
CLIENT: G. Papakonstantinou
Karkatselas Nikos
PROJECT SCHEDULE: September-October
Is there a context for crisis?
The client asked for a flexible and light scheme that could adapt to
different and varied scenarios with regards to the way that the clothes could
be presented to the customers. The client also was very specific about the fact
that he intended to focus mainly to male customers / shoppers and that the
store should have qualities that should appeal to such a target group with ages
from 18 to 35.
As a response to these conditions we came up with the
idea of the mancave as a scheme that addresses primarily to men, that has a
friendly, street wise, street-living image and that also stands for
independence and shelter. G. Papakonstantinou proposed that the store should be
named “Dude” which seemed to work well with the whole concept of the store and
the idea of the mancave. In order to compliment the character of the store we dug
up vintage objects from the 80s-90s as digital game stations, flippers,
boomboxes and paraphernalia that were strategically placed next to the
products. Staying true to the concept the materials used were left kind of
unfinished and raw. The steel construction of the shelving system exposed its
traces of welding as well as the scratches due to the transportation of the
pieces etc as it was not painted or polished by any means. We also used
unrefined wood for the cashier desk and the shelves. A steel grid was used
strategically as a second skin that could also function as a massive hanger for
clothes. On the floor a thick layer of cement was applied with a spatula so
that it would look as handmade as possible.
For the cashier and the fitting rooms we proposed two
separate constructions made of trapezoid shaped iron sheets, that look like
parts detached from a container, that were painted in vivid colors to attract
attention. Parts of the floor where the cashier and the fitting rooms were
placed were covered with iron sheets in angular forms in the same colors as the
constructions. The already existing spotlights (cold light) were reused / re-appropriated
and new custom-made and context specific lighting units (warm light) were designed
in order to create different ambiences in the store.
fitting rooms | δοκιμαστηρια
cashier | ταμείο
fitting rooms | δοκιμαστηρια

apparel placement | τοποθετηση προιόντος
storefront | βιτρινα
plan | κατοψη
section | τομή
section | τομή
graphic design | γραφιστικα
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antonios moras, Dipl ArchEng AUTH, MArch SpaceDesign NTUA, PhD cand. AUTH
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