Φόρμα επικοινωνίας


flaneur void (in)habiting, the revenge of lifestyle

Dionisio Gonzalez was born in 1965 in Gijon, Spain.

In the context of a vernacular favela he proposes vertical constructions that fill up the void among the shanty buildings. What is left (void) defines what will be inhabited but unfortunately in a manner rather boring. He doesn't propose a new way of inhabiting or living but rather a forced stereotypical program of urban condo living. What at first sight looks like a re-contextualization of Constant's Babylon is acctually a study in construction of independent post-modular condos(sic). A study in sterile, controlled parasites.

constant's babylon

acqua gasosa 2, 2008
heliopolis I, 2009
nova heliopolis II, 2007
rua do artor, 2007
after post

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